Global ERP is a digital consulting firm offers technology solutions for all companies in all industries at an international level.
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We’ve already said that support packs save time. So how is our process built?
It’s way for your regular tasks and also for critical. Regular response time is 24 hours. If you have a critical issue, we’ll respond to you in time according to your plan (30 min, 1 or 2 hours).
Only senior developers are included in our plans. If there’s a need for an architect, you can add it on an hourly basis (at least 1 hour).
Once you realize that you need more hours, you can upgrade your plan or switch to “Pay As You Go” model. This option is available from the first day of your subscriptions. Otherwise, you want to downgrade your plan or cancel it at all, you can do it after 3 months.
Read also about license discounts for prepaid plans!
Interested? Contact us!